A new Hunger Games Mobile Game Arriving Soon

Lionsgate and Kabam Studio made an announcement of their partnership on Friday. The two studios are partnering to build a game for smartphones and tablets based on the “Hunger Game” series. It will be an RPG, card collecting game.

According to the announcement made, the game is going to be a free to play at launch, but in-app purchases will have to be made to upgrade characters or for some other stuff. Your role will be that of a District member, sent on a mission to build alliances, liberate your District and above all rebuild Panem.

Kabam Studio is also known for various other games based on movie series like “Fast & Furious 6: The Game,” (iOS | Android) “The Godfather: Five Families,” and “The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth” (iOS | Android).

The “Hunger Games” series is already a hit amongst the people, with having crossed nearly $1.5 billion mark worldwide. The release date and other major details are yet to be disclosed about this upcoming game.

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