The game God of War: Ascension has got a new title update by the developers Sony Santa Monica, which gives a new multiplayer mode, the versus duel Bout of Honor.
The PlayStation blog has said that Bout of Honour is a strict 1 v 1 mode which excludes chests, fountains, world weapons and relics. This game is meant to be a game of skill alone. In the game, one can find that the magic can be regenerated very slowly over time.
The new update has given four new maps for the new mode. The maps are Canyons of Kirra, Chamber of the Flame, Landing at Delos and Streets of Sparta.
Another map is The Whirlpool of Alecto, which gives a leviathan and elevated terrain sections.
Another segment of the update includes the introduction of some tweaks which removes of Infinites, the nerfing of some overpowered weapons, and changes to damage output.
One can connect their PlayStation 3 to the PSN to grab the free update.