Mulally Will Be Continuing With Ford, Won’t Take Microsoft CEO Job

The most eligible candidate who was considered as the successor of Ballmer, Ford CEO Alan Mulally has announced on Tueday that he will not ready to take that job.

He announced in an Interview that, “I would like to end the Microsoft speculation because I have no other plans to do anything other than serve Ford.”

According to news agency, he will continue to serve ford upto end of 2014 or even later, in keeping with plans the car maker made in November 2012. However, Ballmer in Ausust indicated that he will be stepping down as CEO within a year. Also in September, Microsoft had a great deal of acquiring Nokia, which further made Nokia CEO Elop into the list of Ballmer’s successors.

Before the Mullaly’s announcement, he was also considered as the top candidate to replace Ballmer, along with Elop and Skype chief Tony Bates.

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