The Microsoft Surface RT sales have not been worth the mention due to its high price compared to other tablets and limited functionality relative to those that run Windows 8, since its release in late 2012. In view of this, the Verge had reported the news of a discount on the prices, not naming the source; Staples has, now, confirmed the news. Microsoft will cut the price of its Surface RT tablet by $150, this Sunday. This amounts to 30% of the actual cost. The discount is slated to start on July, 14.
Microsoft also hinted at updates to the Surface RT and Surface Pro systems.
Other lacunae that did the tablet away are, that the Surface RT runs Windows RT, which is incompatible with many formats. Also, the multi-touch tablet has been condemned for limited battery life and poor performance.
In effect of the discount, the Surface RT 32 GB will cost around $349.99, the Surface RT 64 GB $449.99, the Surface RT 32 GB with Touch Cover $449.99, and the Surface RT 64 GB with Touch Cover $549.99.