MetroPCS And T-Mobile Merger Finalized

The merger between MetroPCS and T-Mobile has been finalized and successful, something both the carriers have been working on since sometime last year.

As mentioned on T-Mobile’s Investor Relations page and it’s final fact sheet, the merger will combine T-Mobile USA’s 34 million subscribers with MetroPCS’ 9 million subscribers. The newly merged company has plans to trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under TMUS. It’s going to operate under T-Mobile, and all the MetroPCS subscribers should be moved over by 2015. Afterwards, the system supporting the MetroPCS CDMA network will be (sort of) reassigned to support the T-Mobile LTE network. The main objective of the company is to build a proper 4G network, that can be compared to the similar networks of companies like AT&T and Verizon. The new company still has less subscribers when compared to a company like Sprint.

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