It was one of the most appreciated games of last year, and making many fans happy, Max Payne 3 for Mac is now available. The Mac users were not able to enjoy this particularly exciting game in the native Operating System. This case continued to prevail for so long- till today. The games are available to be purchased in the App Store of Mac and in Steam. Mac gamers can also enjoy the inner monologue of Mac. It contains one liners, an advanced and fantastic bullet time and crazy mechanics of Shoot dodge. It is good for the audience to carry a good book with them because it will take time to download the game. The overall size of the game is 32.51 GB and this is why it will take sometime.
The extremely exciting experience provided by the game, is worth waiting for. The history of the games goes like this – the tragedies that have taken his loved ones many years ago are some of the unbearable wounds that cannot be healed up. Mac Payne was not a cop anymore and was addicted to several pain killers. Max then started working in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was appointed there to protect the family of Rodrigo Bronco, who was wealthy mogul of the Real Estate.
It was just a way for Max to overcome the grievances he had suffered in the past. Things do not change anyhow and that was noticeable when events began to spiral out. Things started drifting along towards the worse and Max was alone in the streets of an unfamiliar city. He was a desperate fellow now, who was making attempts to find out truth and a way out of this. Max Payne can be considered as a highly detailed, seamless and a cinematic experience from the games of RockStar.