Mark Zuckerberg In LGBT Pride Parade In San Francisco

Days after the verdict by the Supreme Court, striking out the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional, an LGBT Pride Parade was embarked on, this Sunday Morning in San Francisco. It  began at 10:30 a.m. and marched down Market Street. This parade was held to celebrate the Supreme Court’s declination to  rule on California’s Proposition 8, a law banning gay marriage passed shortly after it was allowed.  Under this, same sex couples in San Francisco, now, should be able to pursue a marriage license in California in about 30 days. This led to an extra level of celebration during the parade.

Notable participants of the parade included tech companies based in the Silicon Valley like Google and Apple. Most conspicuous with their presence were the employees of Facebook. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook sent 15% of its workforce which numbers to about 700. While the Facebook employees are quite used to attending these Pride Parades in San Francisco, it was the first time for the CEO, Mark Zuckerberg to join his battalion of workers in a parade. They were all wearing special t-shirts designed for the event, to march along with the decorated trolley.

Facebook has continued showing its support for the Supreme Court’s decision by putting up additional signs around its campus. Outside the company’s campus, on the picture banners, a rainbow ring is seen on the ring finger .

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