LinkedIn Singapore has crossed the 1 million membership mark, which is around 20% of the total population of the country and around 70% of the addressable audience and counting, managing Director for Asia-Pacific and Japan, Hari V. Krishnan, LinkedIn announced in a media briefing in Singapore.
Singapore is the fourth country in the Southeast Asia that outshined the 1 million member mark for the social networking site LinkedIn with its main focus into business networking. Before Singapore, the site has already covered the mark in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Surpassing the mark in Singapore is highly impressive as the total population of the country amounts to only 5 million. The company claims to have doubled the number of membership in the country since 2011.
Globally the business networking site has 200 million active users, with the record of more than 2 new members joining the site in every second. Amongst the other countries in the Asia-pacific, in Australia the site has 4 million users followed by China with 3 million active user accounts. India makes the largest market for the company in the region with 19 million users.
Over the years, Singapore has emerged as the hub for business and finance in the Southeast Asia. The country houses a number of major IT firms in the world including Google, Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn started operating from their Singapore office in the year 2011. Within the next two years, the number of staff of the company in the region has increased more than 10 folds to make the staff strength over 90, at present. The revenue generated in the Asia-Pacific region of the company has seen 20 times growth from 2011. In the 4th quarter of 2012, revenue from the specific region accounted for 8% of the total revenue of the company which was just 3% in 2011.
The MD also said that apart from the students and professional employees, LinkedIn Singapore also has a strong base of cross sectional clients including IBM, SingPost and Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts, who use the service for the purpose of recruitment and marketing, as well.