Three new varieties of twitter cards are to come in the market along with the new feature mobile app deep-linking in Cards. In an event in San Francisco, the declaration came from the Head of Platform Jason Costa that Twitter is considering to expand its wing that deals with the Cards with the launch of three new types of Twitter Cards namely: App, Product and Gallery, in addition to their pre-existing varieties: Summary, Photo and Player.
According to the blog post by Costa, the new mobile app deep-linking feature will close the loop between the creations of content, discovery of content and downloading the app; enabling the user to tap a link to view or download the app directly. The process of aiding the feature is simple and starts with adding just a few new sets of mark-up tags at the part of the developers. It will empower the publishers to display information on Twitter pages from their App Store or Google Play entries. It allows adding of images, description to the tweets, as well as offers custom fields.
It is to be noted that, presently the Twitter Cards are widely used by developers, websites and mobile apps in order to better represent the content on twitter. This update is a result of the fundamental re-architecture of the Cards that at the same time promotes the scope of development of more advanced varieties in the future. It will also enable the developers to be more customized in their work. The latest cards certainly entitle the publishers to show up even more types of content on the Twitter pages.
The features have been introduced to the developers at Twitter Headquarters in order to get the feed-backs. In case of implemented Twitter Cards, there is nothing to be worried about. The new system comes with full backward compatibility and the old integrations will continue to work flawlessly. These new cards with greater capabilities are going to be launched with a number of partners that include Delectable, Etsy, Foursquare, Flickr, Gumroad, Path, and many more leading names.