Last of Us patch 1.02 is now available with a brand new avatar! There have been some multiplayer fixes and changes in the Pet Control phone numbers on the bulletin board.
Giving more details about the changes :-
Single player: Texture of a phone number present on a bulletin board .
- Improvement in Host migration . Fixing the problem of Losing connection to the host.
- General crash when leaving multiplayer is also been treated
- Intro camera fix for some introductory cut-scenes
- Connectivity issues during tuning
- If you disconnect or lose connection to the host, you will no longer advance a day. You will only advance a day if you are actually kicked from the match, or make an exit from the menu.
- Selectivity criteria open for Explosion Expert level 2
- Reduction IN The voting time for match selection to 15 seconds
- No more party playlist option, to both Supply Raid and Survivors, players can only join this playlist solo.
- Melee against a downed character now uses the same range as normal melee