In March the company had launched a ‘beta test’ for PC version featuring a stripped-down version of its Kakao Talk client. Kakao announced that it will be launching the PC version of its popular messenger app in June. However the international users have to wait for 26 june to get their hands on the amazing new app.
Creators of the app said that the users will feel the interface of the mobile version on the PC version as well. The users will also get the advantage of using the basic chat features like viewed tags, friend list and many more. Features like chat window transparency setting, sound settings for alerts, profile editing and attaching computer screenshots directly into the chatroom are highly requested by beta users.
The PC version gives the exact feel of the mobile version as it allows users to see the names of their friends appearing on chat.
The app severs as a gift for the photo lovers too as it allow photo transfers of up to 10 images at a time with a maximum size of 9 megabytes per picture. Creators of the app said that the app is only available for windows users and the MAC users have to wait for sometime to set their hands on the app.
For using the app the user should have a verified account which can be made easily on KAKAO’s homepage. Every time you log on to Kakao Talk PC, an alert indicating “Logged in to PC version” will be sent automatically to the mobile app.
Users can verify maximum as five devices with one Kakao Talk account, but can only log on to one computer at a time.
Kakao have reached the market worldwide and serves almost 90 billion of people and aims to reach even a higher number in future.
Kakao lovers will be delighted as the creators of the app will soon launch additional features such as file transfer and font options within this year.