Instant Messenger App MessageMe Got 5 Million Users In 75 Days

Clearly, there’s no lack of instant messenger apps these days, with WhatsApp, Google+ Hangouts, Viber, and now even BBM’s coming to iOS and Android. Despite that, a new chat app called MessageMe was still able to draw attention and users.

It’s been about 75 days since it’s launch, and the app has managed to get 5 million registered users. Now, on an average, the instant messenger app sends out 1,500 notifications and deals with about 8 image uploads per second. The message tempts non-users with the ability to send pictures, doodles, videos, audio, music and location information to one friend, or a group of friends, along with the sticker and money-sending features but according to Arjun Sethi (CEO), the last two won’t be activated just yet.

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