Google Smartwatch – Coming Soon?

Weeks after reports that Apple was working on it’s iWatch and the confirmation from Samsung that it is developing it’s own smartwatch, Google has reportedly joined the queue as well. Google Smartwatch will be launching as well in the near future according to rumors.

If reports are to be believed, Google has started working on a smartwatch which is being developed by the Android unite team, and not by X Lab, the team behind Google Glass.


Though there hasn’t been any confirmation on the smart-watch yet, the device could act as an extension of Android smartphones.

The reports were fueled by the rumor that Google obtained a patent last year for Google smartwatch. The design for the device includes a processor, wireless transmitter, and a camera that will be used with a flip-up screen to display augmented reality information. The smartwatch would be location-aware and use a combination or the GPS and camera to show users relevant information about their surroundings.

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