Google Music Has To Go A Long Way With Music Subscriptions

Users of Google have new things for them round in the corner and that is, a subscribed music service. It is to newly launce by the world’s most renowned search engine – Google via its own play store. Some more in the kitty, Google Music wishes to have a separate a subscription with YouTube Site in the latter part of the year. One of the biggest music services is YouTube and is capable of solving problems related to the music labels. This subscription was made for the Google play and YouTube service.

Music is an integral part of all mobile phones. Google Android wants to launch a service for subscribing to music. If you are the owner of a mobile and wish to have the world’s largest platform for music subscription, sell music subscription for it. A combination of YouTube and Android will be great if mixed with free, paid, video, mobile and audio combination. The Google play version expects the version to be paid and with the features that will make it remarkably different from the rivals.

When YouTube will launch the paly version it will run parallel to the Play service but did not connect to it. This means that not even a single free music person will help in selling out the free subscription to sell out music. YouTube is making an attempt to gather rights to sell music in both video and audio subscription. One of the standard outstanding procedures followed by Google Music is that, it gets something out there before it is completely baked.

It is not always that getting announced by Google I/O will be true down the line. It is a long way from the mainstream. Music subscription is an old idea that is still a way back from reality. None of the competitors are near to the possibility of going for music subscription. It is really doubtful whether Google really wishes to have a music service stated. It would have made an attempt to make it right for the first time. Contrary to it, Google did it as a feature that will be rarely used by the customers.

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