Google Maps is all set to get a new face. The blog, Google Operating System that delivers unofficial news about the web giant, came up with this recent bulletin. It claims that Google Maps is going to get rid of the side bar which displays a number of enlisted locations. Instead, information about the locations will be displayed at the top of the map, spanned through the full screen, in the form of pop-ups. This new interface concentrates more on the map and its details, the navigational tools and zooms in and zoom out options will be centralised to a minimum space.
The other new feature that is reportedly going to be added with the famous Maps app is that it will enable the users to restrict local search results to particular places that have been recommended by friends in the user’s Google+ circle or recommended by the top reviews. This will certainly make the app even more effective to find out the best services in your locality. The blog has also come up with the claimed first review of the app, which certainly appears even more impressive and immersive at the same time. Google has made the app more touch friendly so that it can be extensively used by the mobile users. The map colours, text styles and icons, have also been updated to give the latest version a trendy look.
The blog did not clearly mention any tentative date about the release of the new interface of the Maps app, but it expects that it could have its debut in the Google annual developers’ conference, which is scheduled for the next week. There was no immediate response from Google on the news.
In the month of October, last year, Google had given the Maps a visual boost with certain improvements in colour and gradations to mark the terrain and vegetation in an area. But a detailed update is due for quite a long time now. Unless an official response pops up soon or users experience the new interface right from one fine morning, the speculations and rumours are going to float.