“Batman & Robin”, the franchise nearly destroyed George Clooney’s career. It was in 1997. It caused a problem for Warner Bros. Christopher Nolan’s “Batman Begins” released in 2005 along with “The Peacemaker”. He made a comeback in “Out of Sight”, for Steven Soderbergh and David.O. Russell.
Clooney was asked about Ben Affleck’s casting in the latest “Batman v/s Superman” movie. The actor firmly believed that he was on no moral grounds to speak about casting and the role of Batman. He holds the view that he destroyed the role of Batman by playing the role in 1997. He said, “Ben Affleck is a smart man. He knows what he is doing.” Kind words from Clooney seem to be chilling the haters currently. We need to wait till July, 2015 too see whether Ben Affleck will prove us wrong and deliver a brilliant version of the Batman.