Before you come to the conclusion that 2015 is extremely crammed when it comes to the release of movie, the Studios have pulled another rabbit out of the hat by adding another high profile film to the general public. The fifth Bourne film would become one of the most awaited film of 2015, and would compete to grab your hand-earned money.
In the United States, August 14 is the day when audiences would see a new team on the franchise, with Justin Lin directing and Sherlock Holmes writer, Anthony Peckham writing the script. It is likely that The Bourne Legacy’s will reveal another super-spy operation and its fallout.
Meanwhile, Luc Besson’s latest, Lucy is set to release on August 8 next year. The film would portray Johansson as a drug addict who becomes a fighter when other narcotics she’s carrying gets into her body. It leaves her able to suppress pain and avoid emotion.