If you have old pictures with embarrassing captions on Facebook, or maybe inappropriate posts on your Timeline, but don’t have the time to go and un-tag yourself from those pictures or delete the posts, then FaceWash is the app for you. Invented by three computer science majors, David Steinberg, Camden Fullmer and Daniel Gur from Kent State University, over the weekend, after they realized that since most employers now check the Facebook profiles of their employees to be, and find some really embarrassing stuff most of the time, someone needs to come to their rescue. FaceWash cleans up your Facebook profile by removing any vulgar or humiliating posts, but not without your consent.
To start using FaceWash, you have to first go to the app’s site, and click on ‘Get Started’ and then log into your Facebook account. Go to the application, and give permission to access the user’s content. The app has it’s own list of what it deems inappropriate, but the user can type in a keyword to search for and if it’s there, it will be found.
While many people are still skeptical about it, most find FaceWash to be very convenient indeed. The site has already received over 20,000 visitor’s, but since it’s still in Beta, the user might experience a few minor glitches. Though people who do have posts that might cause some blushing or raised eyebrows, must give FaceWash a try.