E3 2013 Will Have No Talks About TV By Microsoft

It was confirmed by Major Nelson that Microsoft does not have any plans to talk about television. This is to happen while Xbox One is to be presented to the audience in 2013. Larry Hryb of Microsoft responded to the dissatisfaction giving its focus on Entertainment. The little cute version of twitter exchange will be having its rounds today. The entertainment focus will be on Crossbones public debut. Lary also said that he will tweet the highlights if you are not able to tune to E3 that will be briefing due to school or work.

Javed said that if there are only plans for TV and no games in E3 then he will not be a spectator of the game. Of course it implies that there are additional expectations from E3. The ambassador of Xbox replied that there will be TV sets on the stage to show games. This will be a mere extension of the TV talk on E3. E3 2013 is expected to take place in the following week in Los Angeles and it will be one of interested consoles. It will be different from the one that have been launched since last week.

The next generation of Xbox is shown as the truth of the multi-media intention of Microsoft. It was to be shown in Seattle. It was said by Patrick Garratt to wait for E3 to judge the components of the game. He has been asked the same question several numbers of times about his thoughts for Xbox One. The presentation was not aimed at him because it was aimed at a person that will be in need of everything. It is obvious for the gamers who will be pissed because it Xbox One is not a part of the games of the video console.

Games are simply just a part of it. There was a huge amount of negativity that has been seen in Xbox One. Xbox 360 and Xbox One are both the consoles of video games. Xbox One is a concept level in having Microsoft in its living room. It is a usage of the general media that is presented yesterday.

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