In recent news Microsoft has said it won’t be charging developers to patch Xbox 360 and Xbox Live
Arcade games, after removing their policy that needed users to pay a hefty sum on game updates.
According the report, this also applies to XBLA titles that have failed to pass certification. Before this policy change, Microsoft required XBLA developers to pay a fee to resubmit titles that failed certification. Now, developers need only to pay a single submission fee with no charges for re-submissions. Developers may be charged for “excessive” re-submissions, however.
In recent interview this is what a spokesperson had to say :
“Microsoft eliminated fees for Title Updates on Xbox 360 Arcade games in April 2013,” the spokesperson wrote. “We’re constantly evaluating our policies and implementing feedback. While our development policies are confidential, and will remain so, we’re pleased to say that this is just one of many ongoing changes and improvements we’ve made to ensure Xbox is the best place possible for developers and gamers.”
In April when news for this policy change began circulating, a Microsoft spokesperson made a statement, “We’re always working to make processes and policies better for developers to ensure they and our customers have the best experience. However, we do not comment on terms of our agreements with developers.”