The Crysis 3: Lost Island (DLC) trailer was launched recently, featuring new weapons, maps and modes.The multi-player game has four new maps which are based on the island locations-theme.
The map associated with an island coastline, The Coastline Map has a fishing village, and there’s not much to do besides shooting everywhere around the buildings. The Crossing Map, on the other hand, features a river flowing down in the middle of the map. It has shallow water on either side, and the river also has bridges for the players if they want to cross. The third map, which the Ascent Map, consists of a huge waterfall and caves. Finally, the Creek Map has a paddy field. The field has small bridges above the water as well. These four maps bring a change to the game, different from the city of the actual game.
The Lost Island also has two new modes: Possession and Frenzy, which rewards players who can shoot and carry the flag and puts the weapons and loadouts in a different and random method in match-ups respectively. The DLC will cost PS4 and PC players about $14.99, and Xbox players about 1200 Microsoft Points.