The tablet that will meet the demand of reduced size as well as reduced price is expected to be on its way. The device is speculated to be launched by the first quarter of the year 2014. According to the analyst, Richard Shim of NPD DisplaySearch, Microsoft is expected to roll out their cheaper range of tablets with 7.5 inch display and 1,400×1,050 resolution. The pixel density is expected to range at 233 pixels per inch which is certainly higher than the iPad Mini from Apple and Nexus 7. He also added that the mass production ranging to the level of multiple million copies of the device is apparently scheduled for the first quarter of the next year, but the production at a smaller scale can start even earlier.
According to a latest rumour, the next generation of Surface tablets will sport a size of display between 7 and 9 inches. According to some of the analysts, the news of Microsoft launching 7.5 inch tablets is totally based on this rumour, which speculates that an announcement will come up from Microsoft in June at its Build Conference. But finding a cost effective solution might be difficult for Microsoft, which can be the major reason for delaying in the launch of the product. According to Shim, Microsoft is trying ways to cut down the price, for that reason they are looking for cheaper solutions for incorporating the touchscreen panel and module. He also added that to facilitate smaller and cheaper panel production Microsoft is shifting its panel suppliers, to get lower pricing.
According to sources the device is targeted to bear the $399 price tag, which might even go lower depending on the demand. On the other hand, the lower models of 7.9 inch iPad Mini starts from $329 and the7 inch Nexus 7 comes with a tag of $199, but the resolution of iPad Mini and Nexus 7 both are lower than the Microsoft planned tablet. To add some information on Nexus 7, Shim’s expectation is that it will come up with an undated version by the mid of the year which will have a 1,920×1,200 display, much higher than its present 1,280×800 screen resolution.