In this week’s post we will be creating an illusion effect of an image flip using jQuery of course. This thing can be used as a cool gallery kind of a thing. So, hopefully you guys will like it, let’s get to it.
Animated Navigation Bar Using jQuery
For my first Article I will be writing on creating an Animated Navigation Bar Using jQuery. Hopefully you guys will like it.
Simple jQuery Slideshow with PHP Image Stripe
In this tutorial we will be making a simple jQuery Slideshow with the output image stripe from the last tutorial on PHP GD Library Image Stripe, Thereby making use of it in a real world application.
Image Stripe Using PHP GD Library
In this tutorial we will create an image stripe using PHP’s file handling capabilities and GD Library. It will read any number of images from a specified folder and join them all to create a single server side generated image stripe. This will provide the basics of File Handling and GD Graphics Library.
Lightbox Effect Maintenance Page
Well the Website Build-Up series was getting a little same-ish so I thought I’d share this cool little technique for telling the user that a page is currently not in use. By the way, this technique would make a great 404 page.