‘Catching Fire’ To Hit A $950m Mark- A Prediction

With two-months left for the release of the mega-sequel, “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”, investment group biggies have already begun to make predictions on how much the movie will make. Alan Gould of Evercore has predicted a huge sum of $950 million for the flick ($375 million domestically and $575 million worldwide), hence establishing an immense success out of the Unlisted States. Should the estimates come true, the franchise would have a reason to celebrate soon. The analogy can only be completed by guessing that this jump in profit would also, according to some, mean a 35% jump in ticket sales when compared to the last movie.

With George Lucas and Steven Spielberg having already rung the bell of caution about an industry “implosion”, that may occur as a result of filmmaking becoming an expensive business, studios and banks who’ve helped finance the movie are justified in counting the zeroes this early. With hopes for a big ROI, studios, banks and countless book publishers with such high stakes are patiently (or not), waiting for the movie to hit theaters on the 22nd of November this year. All we can do is wait and see if Gould’s crystal ball vision turns out to be true or not.

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