Ben Affleck Says His ‘Batman’ Won’t Challenge Christopher Nolan’s Version

Zack Snyder’s Batman v/s Superman won’t be hitting the screens until summer 2015. Essentially, that is a year and six months from now. However, the internet is flooded with news and would continue to remain so until July 17th, 2015, its release date. Ben Affleck recently gave a long interview with Mike Flemming for Playboy. Apart from dodging a few questions and playing around with a few answers, some of his replies were interesting. When asked about how he would portray Batman differently from the movies which Nolan directed, the director/actor couldn’t really give a proper answer but he did say that it would not compete with any of the previous movies on Batman.

“I don’t want to reveal too much, but the idea for the new Batman is to look at him from a completely different perspective than which is shown in Christopher Nolan’s movies. It will definitely be an older and wiser portion, as he draws analogies to Henry Cavill’s Superman character”, he said.

Affleck also revealed that he wasn’t interested in the role initially when Warner Bros. approached him. “When they asked if I would play Batman, I told them that I don’t see myself playing the role,” he quipped. However, after discussing with Snyder and co-writer David Goyer, I was won over by them.

“They said that I would perfectly fit into the role and asked me to have a look at Zack Snyder’s work. The stuff he does in incredible. This version is a unique take on Batman. It made me excited. When people watch the movie, it will make a lot more sense than what it does to me now,” he said.

Ben Affleck expected the comparisons with Bruce Wayne’s character in the Christopher Nolan franchise.

Affleck also admitted that “Daredevil”, is the only movie I regret doing. “I loved the story, the character, but the entire movie didn’t come out well.”

In a recent video interview, Cavill said that he has no knowledge of the next story, but there is a high chance that Lex(Luthor) is going to be introduced at some stage.

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