Battlefield 4 New Design Change In The Multiplayer Maps

The Battlefield 4 has been revealed by DICE, slowly but steadily and now, more information has come out regarding it. Users are now aware about the multiplayer and about the elements like “Levolution”. Levolution is where the environment changes accordingly to significantly affect the gameplay happening. It helps in changing the way one play the game.

The executive producer Patrick Bach said, “I think it lies in the nature of Battlefield. You want the environment…games traditionally have been very static and very stale, and gameplay has been suffering from that because you can easily lock down a map if you know exactly how it’s going to play and what it’s going to be about.”

“But if you add these Levolution layers – the destruction and different variables – that changes the map and changes the environment, players can use that in a very tactical way. So it’s not only for drama and making the game look better, it’s actually a very tactical choice that you can use it for.”

Battlefield is expected to be released on October 29th in North America, with a PS4 and Xbox One is scheduled to release later this year.

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