A Step Forward To Maintain The Consistency Of The Users Of Xbox One

In spite of the policy changes of Xbox One, Marc Whitten, the corporate vice president of Xbox One, gave a strange speech. The gentleman said that users still have to install the games, plug in Kinect and download the update of one day. It is the result of part of a policy shift of Microsoft that had led to the online setup of one time. It will probably happen when the gamers will play on their consoles. All this has been noted by the holder of the platform.

Marc also added that it could have happened regardless of the reversal that has happened today. This was revealed while he was speaking to IGN. It has been revealed that there will also be an update of one day on the Xbox console. It is simply related to the difference in the schedule between the software and the manufactures. Marc Whitten wanted to clearly say in the speech that there have been no changes in the procedures. Users have to get the updates of the software from internet for the first day. Once you have downloaded it, you do not have to stay connected later on.

The Vice President also said that the update needs to be accessed through a Smartphone. The connectivity to live service can help the latest update of day one to come to the console. Users will be able to connect to it as said by him. Installation in the disk based system is necessary despite of the changes made in it. In addition to it users will still be need Kinect to be plugged in. However, it is still believed by Marc that Kinect is a critical part of Xbox One’s architecture.

He wishes for the creators of entertainment as well as the games to know about the advantages that can be enjoyed by them. He has no intentions of disrupting the consistency of the users and wants them to stay along. This is the reason why is the company critical about the transforming the experience of Kinect. Most of the features of Xbox One are kept intact in spite of the changes that have been made to it.

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