In line to the SSD 840 series, a new Samsung SSD has been launched, which offers a storage capacity of 1TB, double that of the 840 series, and a faster performance. Been named as the 840 Evo, it comes in the 7mm-thick, 2.5-inch design and dons the SATA 3 (6Gbps) I/O standard. The Samsung SSD 840 Evo is speculated to be available in five capacities – 120GB, 250GB, 500GB, 750GB, and 1TB. To take things further, it can be used in most applications where regular hard drives can be used.
According to Samsung, “The 840 Evo uses its compact 10-nanometer class 128GB NAND flash memory, which the company started mass-producing in April, and is equipped with Samsung’s proprietary multicore MEX controller. Depending on the capacities, the new drive offers between two and three times the speed of the 840 series, offering up to 520MBps sequential write speed and up to 540MBps read speed. In random access, the drive offers up to 98,000 IOPS.”
These numbers bring the SSD amongst the fastest consumer-grade SSDs on the technology market. It will be available from the first week of August. The price, however, has not been decided.