About 1058 People Are Willing To Live On Mars

The organisation has recently announced that about 1058 potential settlers are prepared to live rest of their lives on Mars, and earlier 200,000 people were considered to be a part of one-way trip to Mars, last year when Mars One was started.

Bas Lansdorp, the Dutch business founded Mars One, having an aim to land a crew of six colonists on Mars by 2023. Greenhouses, living spaces, and all the other supplies will be provided to the first Martians, as a necessary atmosphere to survive on Mar’s barren surface.

The mission is something like a reality show The public will get to choose the crew of six, but Mars One reserves the right to make the final call. The initial mission and any future trip will be funded by advertising revenue, claims Lansdorp.

Well, without going into the space we can’t really know what it’s like to live there, but 1058 people are at least ready to try it out.

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