Hangouts is a new messaging app that was launched by Google in May to replace Google Talk. Revealed at Google I/O, Hangouts has been updated with new features, smiley faces and many more. Now Google has released one more update that will make all AT&T users real happy.
After Hangouts was initially launched, it was quickly learnt by all users that one could make free video calls over Wifi and carrier, 3G/4G on both Android and iOS with the help of the app. However, AT&T users were not able to make calls on their network. This is not the first time users are seeing such scenario from AT&T. Although, reports claim that rather than AT&T being blocked from access it was Hangouts that had not cleared its certification for video calling.
However, the app seems to be working smoothly on other networks till date. But after so many months the feature is finally available for AT&T users. The update will make video calling possible on Google Hangouts even through cellular AT&T network.
This will allow the AT&T users to make video calls using Hangouts on the go, rather than sticking themselves up near a Wifi to make the calls. It not a major update, but it will surely make some users happy. However, Google has great plans ahead of this update for Hangouts in general. Reports claim that Google may soon integrate the App with google Glasses and hopefully integrate SMS service with it.