A Halo launch title for the Xbox One was thought-about, however Microsoft determined to develop Halo 4 for Xbox 360 instead, if what is to be believed according to Microsoft Studios boss Phil Spencer. Internal Halo studio 343 Industries didn’t have the resources to develop an Xbox One launch title additionally to Halo4.
The boss was determined to launch Halo 4 and also said that more time was needed for the design for an Xbox one version.
“A couple of years ago we had the discussion of: ‘Should we do Halo at launch and not do Halo 4 last year?'” Spencer told a gaming website.
“But I was committed to getting Halo 4 done last year, and there was no way we were going to turn around with 343 a full Halo game in a year. So that was the plan we set on. I feel good about that.”
Halo 5 was confirmed at E3 2013 and is predicted to release in 2014. It’ll release solely for Xbox One.