Dead Island: Riptide Stumbles Shocker Number 1 In The UK Charts

Dead Island: Riptide Stumbles has come up to number one in the UK charts this month just above Injustice: Gods Among Us, which is on number two.

Bioshock Infinite and FIFA 13 have fallen down to fifth and sixth respectively.

The UK charts this month are giving everyone a bit of a shock. Let us know what you think in the comments section below:

  1. Dead Island Riptide
  2. Injustice: Gods Among Us
  3. Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
  4. Star Trek
  5. Tomb Raider
  6. Bioshock Infinite
  7. FIFA 13
  8. Lego City Undercover
  9. Defiance
  10. Luigi’s Mansion 2

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