Google Glass By Google Is Raising Privacy Concerns

The new Google Glass by Google is raising privacy issues all-round the globe. It has finally forced the privacy officials from six countries in the world to write to the search engines. They have asked for more details related to the high-tech spec of the web giant. The capabilities of Google spec are limited at this point of time. The two important issues of the device are security and privacy concerns. Users can photograph and videotape other users without any knowledge.

This has further led to the bans by casinos and bars. A letter has been addressed to the CEO of Google, Larry Page. These officials have expressed their desire to know about the intention of the company. They have an intention to collect the information from the new eye-wear. It mainly points out to the privacy policies of web companies that have been revamped by them. Now the question arises, which countries are the ones that have addressed a letter? It has been done by the privacy commissions of New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Israel and Switzerland.

These questions have been related to the issues that fall within the purview of data protections by the commissioners. The officials have written about the ethical and brooder issues that come from a wearable computing. It has been expressed by the official authorities that it important to raise a question against such issues and concerns. In order to lighten up the entire situation they spoke about the future security implications. They will be highly interested in hearing about the new product related to its security implication. Besides that, they are also keen to know about the important step that has been taken for this purpose.

The expectations are quite clear from the Web Giant that they ensure the protection of the privacy rights of an individual. It is also necessary that these rights are protected all around the world. They will also like an opportunity and a demonstration in order to test the devices. Questions have also asked how the Google Glass has complied with the protection of data. It also affects the way of addressing facial recognition in the future.

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